The Social Justice Film Institute is dedicated to supporting the work of social justice filmmakers everywhere and uniting our community through the power of social justice storytelling. Our services are designed to educate, motivate, and nurture filmmakers of any level interested in social justice film projects.


The Social Justice Film Institute provides consultation and advisory services for all filmmakers in the social justice community. If you are a independent filmmaker, or the person in charge of media content for your nonprofit organizaton, we offer expert insight to not only the filmmaking process, we are knowledgable in social justice storytelling.

SJFI consultants are academics and media professionals committed to social justice and want to share their knowledge and life experience to help you advance your work and career.

Social Justice Film Consultants:

Sam Hampton, PhD, Executive Director, Social Justice Film Institute (more)
John Trafton, PhD, Professor, Media Arts & Culture, Occidental College (more)
Jody Cole, Artistic Director, Social Justice Film Institute

Consultations are $130 per hour.

Complete and submit the form below to set up a consultation:

Social Justice Works in Progress Screenings

Social Justice Film Institute offers a unique program where social justice filmmakers can screen their rough cut of a current film project to a live audience. The benefits of this program is not unlike a focus group; participating members engage in a facilitated discussion and Q & A with the filmmaker, providing invaluable constructive feedback in a safe and mindful setting.

**This program is for filmmakers with a social justice-related film only.

This program is helpful to filmmakers near completion of their film project and preparing for distribution or submission to film festivals.

Works in Progress screenings are $300 per event.

For more information about consultations and works in progress screenings, contact Program Manager, Marisa Reyes-Pacheco

SJFI will respond to request within three days upon receipt of the request.